The Dilemma We Face
by Chazz Azz
Hello everyone and welcome to another segment of Chazz radio. You know I was thinking last night about a way that I could explain in a simple way, my motivation for doing this series. Sleeping Through A Spiritual Lifetime. As I sat trying to come up with a simple way to explain why, it finally hit me. So I want to share it with you. I don't think people for the most part understand what value really is as it pertains to their own personal self worth and purpose on this planet. Frankly, that's how I feel. In other words why are we here and what's the reason?
You know I've heard that story, sure you have too. How if you tell somebody a lie long enough they will believe it. Look at the flip side of that. Not only will they usually believe it but in hearing a lie all the time they forget many things that were true and things that were very important.
So rather than get into a bunch of specifics and hypothetical s and possibilities, I wanna show you some very simple but very practical food for thought. Ask yourself, how would I feel if my parents had never talked to me.? How would my parents feel if I had never talked to them.? Now as silly as it sounds think about it. If you do I am sure you will agree it sounds pretty empty doesn't it? Will it is empty. I mean let's face it. That right there should be enough to show you what the absence of God in a persons life can do.Not only to their life, but the lives of others around them and vice verse.
That's why I wanted to do this series, it's because I believe people don't understand what their purpose is on this planet and how to understand their life is meaningful and of value.People seem to go through life and I'm one of them. I have been guilty of it many times, waiting for someone or something to tell me what determines my value and self-worth as a person.
Now I'm not saying this is true in every case. Thank goodness, not everyone is lost or blind to these principles. But in this day and age and in this society most are blinded to the truth. I can give you a good indicator on how to know. See how many people are standing beside you as you lay on your deathbed. Now that's a terrible thought but it's true. I'm talking about people who actually truly love you and will be sorry to see you go. People that will cry when they think about you because they will miss you. That right there will tell you everything or pretty close to it.
The truth is, all we have to take with us out of this world is the way we treated people and what people thought about us. That's it. There's not gonna be a you haul truck behind any of us when we leave this world. I can assure you of that.
Now let's pretend for a moment that everything I've said is the truth. You know I ask myself ask yourself. Whats harder? To treat people as we would want to be treated. To be honest and fair. To be thankful or live in a manner that you see all around us in this world.
Greedy, selfishness, ungodly, hateful, resentful, unforgiving, murderous, angry, smoldering, uncertainty, unfaithful, disloyal, committing acts of treason and behaving like a traitor. Well that's what's going on all around us. Isn't it?
Next, ask yourself. If I had to make a guess and if I were laying on my deathbed, what would determine the value of the life that I had lived? We can stop right there. Obviously, I am the only one talking so I'll be the only one answering. If my parents had never talked to me, I would have felt like they didn't care. And I would expect they would feel the same way had I never talked to them.
So what am I saying? I'm talking about our relationship with the god that created us and the entire universe for that matter. See that's the way we behave towards our creator when we don't talk to him. We behave in a way that says we don't care.
What about god's part ? Does he communicate, or try to communicate to us? I believe the answer is yes. The answer is yes. Let's look at it for what it is. The fact that we are alive should say something to us. The stars and the heavens should say something to you and me. But you know what? There's something happening right now as I speak that should say it all. And that is simply the condition of the planet and of the people on it. You know what people become when they don't give thanks anymore. When they don't appreciate or believe that their life has been a gift regardless of what they did with it. It's a characteristic of an unloving and uncaring heart.
By the way, when you talk about a one world government, you're talking about the conquering of the people by the powers that be. You can count on them trying to conquer the people. It's been like that throughout history. We live in extraordinary times. We live in a time like no other. The capabilities and the technologies that exist are a game changer in the hands of evil men. I guarantee you that. The new world order has no intention of making life easier on everybody.
So I wanna make a suggestion at this point and ask you as I ask myself, Whats more important to worry about the past or to do something about the future? I can assure you the answer is to do something about the future. For reasons that I haven't even mentioned yet. If it was a question for a dilemma of people just not being nice to one another that would be bad enough. But that's only the beginning. We have another problem, a bigger problem. So I'll say it this way. Not only does humanity have a problem with humanity but the creation itself is also in a turmoil.
Regardless of whether you believe me and not, I am going to point some things out for you. Things that are happening as I speak. The sky above us is being polluted with toxins and particulates from jet aircraft. The world's food chain is being destroyed systematically. Even the orbits of celestial bodies are in chaos. Our Moon is in chaos and nobody's reporting it. I'll tell you, if you don't believe me drop me a line and tell me and I'll show you. There's plenty of information on the site to corroborate what I'm telling you. Now if you choose not to look of the information and turn a blind eye will that's up to you but that doesn't change the fact that it's going on. So what is my point? I simply believe that everyone has a right to know the truth and have a chance to react accordingly. Next time I'll talk about dis-information and there's plenty of it. In fact one of the greatest concentrations of it is right here on the Internet.
We'll talk about that next time. Thanks again and keep the faith