American Freedoms That Destroy American's Freedoms
by Chazz Azz
I know I may get a ton of crap for what I am going to say. I care, but, none the less, I think this needs to be said. I will admit it's a little late in coming but if nothing else I want to admit before you and the world my take on the biggest little mistake that America ( The Home ) of Americans ever made. Before I continue, I want to be on the record for saying, I don't blame anyone but those who have little understanding. Yes, morons. Those who are so busy saying yes that they have forgotten the word "no".
So what am I saying? Freedom is more than doing whatever you want or decide upon. The truth sets a person free. The truth sets all humanity free. It's not found by simply not telling a lie. Freedom is a blessing and it is a killer.
What amazes me more than anything, when it comes to the slide America is taking is the very thing that may ruin America. It's the very thing that we brag about.
I will give one simple example and then close.
Think of yourself and for a moment pretend you have the best of everything: you're moral, have a beautiful wife or handsome husband. You live your life sober and you treat people decently and fairly. The only fault you have is you're a pimp and don't even realize it. You're a fool and don't really act like one. But you're a special fool none the less.
You think you can allow whoever shows up to baby sit your kids. You think its o.k. for people to speak against you and then you wonder why more and more people dislike you. But hey, they have the right, don't they? NO - Not in my home. Why would you allow yourself to be destroyed by someone's choice and call it freedom?
There is nothing wrong with telling someone , "Hey you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and with whomever you want , every single day you choose to BUT You won't do it HERE. We have allowed ourselves to become whatever the world wants to throw at us. If you're homosexual, no problem. Atheist, come on down. Communist ,sure, the very God you make fun of and disbelieve in , you blame and say he created you like this. You want to walk all over people and build your empire on the backs of other's sorrow? Then we have just what you need and if we don't , we will get it. If you want to be angry at those who have traditional beliefs, then stomp your feet and cry foul and in no time at all the very things that made the men great who founded and wrote The Constitution will be meaningless and yes, we will get presidents from the same garbage can that destroy the freedoms of the only people that will or could preserve freedom. But you don't get it do you? America has become a submissive little tramp for a dollar. And the traitors in Washington are the pimps and thieves.
Chazz Azz copyright@HCBF 2012